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What Makes a Business Leader?
Strategy is central to the world of business but it is rarely discussed in the context of individuals where it is equally important as a central part personal leadership. Steve Tappin, co-author with Andrew Cave of the book “The Secrets of CEOs”, said that out of 150 business leaders that he interviewed 75% of them were operating as managers and not leaders.... read full articlePosted by Robbie Hazlehurst - 2011-10-21
Getting employees engaged
Employee engagement, (defined by experts as the " heightened emotional connection that an employee feels for his or her organization, that influences him or her to exert greater discretionary effort to his or her work") can take a battering when the economy in recession and companies are squeezing costs. This article identifies what managers and companies can do to maintain and build engagement however difficult the economic conditions.... read full articlePosted by Ian Williams - 2009-10-22